Decorating directives with isolate scope in Angular 1.3

A question from reddit excited my interest. Angular 1.3 apparently has broken the ability to decorate isolate scopes.

I tried version of Angular between the 1.2.26 known working version to the 1.3.0 broken version and found the issue was introduced in 1.3.0-rc.2.

The way to get around this is hacky:

app.config(function($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('mycustomDirective',['$delegate','$controller', function($delegate, $controller) {
        var directive = $delegate[0];
        directive.$$isolateBindings['othervar'] = {
          attrName: 'othervar',
          mode: '=',
          optional: true
        return $delegate;  

Here’s a working example:

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